Monday, September 15, 2008

Was It A Morning Like This?

Do you remember the song, Was It A Morning Like This? It was very popular long ago on the music front. It is even in some of our church hymnals these days.

I was pulling the curtains aside this morning and the sun was so very bright it hurt my eyes. The old song popped into my head. I reviewed the words in my mind, "Was it a morning like this? When Mary ran to the tomb....did the grass sing, the earth rejoice to feel you again? Over and over like a trumpet under ground, did the earth seem to shout "he is risen"........

I don't think I even remember the words exactly right.

As quickly as the song came into my morning routine shouted all around me. There is breakfast to get...and then, clean up. There is my morning ablutions and then picking up the bedroom...there is helping Sarah with the baby....the phone is ringing....the doorbell announcing the arrival of someone who needs some encouragement and on and on.

As I run around, I am no longer even noticing the bright sunshine or the wonderful old song.

As I walk through the dining room, but sun blinds me and I feel a bit of irritation.

Then, it strikes me.....I had already forgotten the joy I felt at remembering the song and noticing the beautiful sunrise this morning.

As I thought about how quickly LIFE interfered with the joy I had felt at seeing the morning.....I was struck once again with the words of the song, but the meaning was changed. It was more like this.....

Was it a morning like this?
When the glory of the Lord shone, when Jesus was raised from the tomb.
But I was in a rush to get breakfast and get it cleaned up.
And I was thinking about how my day was demanding from me already.
Instead of seeing the importance of the morning gift from God,
I see how the dog has tracked muck in from outside and now I have to vacuum the carpet again today.
I see dishes that were left behind 'around' the sink instead of in it or the dishwasher...
I feel the pain in my joints and think about me, me, me......

Yes, for many, even the day our Lord was resurrected...was a 'morning like this'.
It was 'just a morning"...tho the most important event in history had taken place
....and I was busy 'doing'.
As Anne of Green Gables said to Marilla
"Oh what all you have missed"
So Jesus says to me.
What have I missed because I was so busy 'doing' while God was busy providing for me. What glorious event have I missed because the mundane 'must do's' took over my life.

God, please forgive me for not seeing the morning that YOU had planned.

1 comment:

steinkebunch said...

Oh, how true this is in my "Mornings". I feel like there must be a way to keep the JOY in the focus and the must do's in the background(yet do them well). I know that giving Him the first of my day really helps...but I get easily distracted by LIFE. Thanks for the encouragement and the openess of your heart.
Love you,