Friday, September 5, 2008

Memories, light the corners of my mind....

Having a new baby in our house has brought back alot of memories of when my children were little. There are many memories that I want to remember and I want THEM to remember and enjoy, so I have decided to put some on my blog....for them (and for you to enjoy, too).

Some of my favorite 'sayings'..........

Jon to mom as we pile into our very old silver and burgandy van on the way to school. Jon is about five years old...."mama, which part of the van are we praying for this morning?"

Israel, age five says to mommy as she is putting him to bed, "I know what you and daddy do in bed after we are asleep". Mommy says, "What?" Israel replies, "You eat". ;)

Jessica and Rachel's term for their summer flip flops............Jessica-pip pops; Rachel-hip hops.

Sarah to Jon when Jon is questioning about his bio mom....." A Real MOM is one who puts bandaids on skinned knees"

That's all for today. Hope you enjoyed a bit of memory lane.

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