Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Focussing on LIFE

Today was my appointment with Dr.Sarah who is doing acupuncture on me. I've read it is not supposed to be painful, but whoever wrote that has never had it done. I still don't know why I don't leak afterward.

The acupuncture leaves me exhausted and pained. I have slept most of the afternoon.

Kevin and I enjoyed spaghetti omelets this morning for breakfast. We had to think of Kevin's father who invented the first spaghetti omelets many years ago. They were delicious.

I did make it to the exercise Wellness Center and hurt through my exercises. It doesn't make me worse to go and I know it helps other things--cholesterol for I try to go every day.

Sarah had a doctors appointment this afternoon. She is doing OK.

Kevin and I might be headed to Denver soon to finish having my MRI--this time in a sitting position. I hate driving seven hours one way to have it, but there isn't anything closer. Traveling is a challenge but this time, maybe it will be an opportunity for me.

It is Wednesday--church night and a video with discussion. I am going to move a different chair into the auditorium for me to sit on. Maybe that will feel better than a church pew. Those are torture devices for my back.

Does it sound like I am complaining in every sentence? I feel like that sometimes. God help me not feel like I want to complain. Life IS good. I want THAT to be my focus.

1 comment:

steinkebunch said...

It is good to hear of your life and along with that comes the joys and the pains. I know what you mean about not wanting to complain. We do have such a blessed life in Christ. This morning my devotion was about the Joy of the Lord. How this joy from Him comes from inside and is always available to us regaurdless of the circumstances. Now that is the kind of Joy that I want, so I began to ask Him for it today, I will ask for you as well.
Love, Katrina