Saturday, February 28, 2009

Not ME Tuesday

It was NOT ME who took our dog on an outing in the van just to have the dog spot two other dogs and go wild , getting scratched to pieces. NOT ME.

It was NOT ME who went to a resale shop and bought a Ziploc bag of used baby bottles only to get home and find that they were mismatched nipples and bottles and out of the entire bag only three could be put to use.

It was (and still is) NOT ME who can't figure out why the expensive Dr. Brown baby bottles leak when I try to feed my grandson.

It was NOT ME who insisted that I would only use Dr. Browns baby bottles because they were THE BEST on the market. Uh huh, that was not me.

It was NOT ME who personally sucked on several different kinds of baby nipples to see which I would prefer, so I would know which my grandson would also prefer ;)

It was NOT ME who, while putting nose spray in my nose, slipped and squirted it in my eye instead.

It was NOT ME who tried with one eye to look up that nose spray on the internet to see if it would make me go blind.

It was NOT ME who decided before going to church wednesday night that I would use the video time to catch some ZZZ's, but found the video so interesting, I couldn't doze off.

It was NOT ME that was trying to learn to use the new printer and accidentally printed twenty pages of the same picture.

It was NOT ME who, after retrieving a glass of water in the dark, by my bedside, drank the wrong lip of the cup and ended up dousing myself with the entire glass of water. I would never be so dumb.

That's all for this week.

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