Tuesday, February 24, 2009

NOT ME Tuesday

It was not me that was seen at a down town restaurant ALONE, having breakfast and enjoying a new book while my husband became an Iron Chef for the day, cooking chili over at the city Middle School.

It was still not me who went from breakfast to get dessert and a diet coke and went to the park and read three hours enjoying sunshine and peace and quiet.

It is not me who should still be eating healthy and on limited calories. Nope, not me.

It was not me who couldn't sleep at all while staying at the hospital with my grandson because I didn't have my recliner that was at home.

It wasn't me who made the head nurse angry because I mentioned that she was late again with my grandsons pain medications.

It is not me who is thinking of selling my dog because he has become a traitor and continues to pester my neighbor--wanting her to be his master instead of me.

It was not me who sat in a courtroom Monday listening to a constant stream of young (some as young as 13 years old) people stand trial before a judge and feel despondancy blanket my heart.

It was not me who felt like giving up on this next generation who seem so insolent all of the time.

It was not me that wanted to slap their faces off as they continued to disrespect their parents and the judge.

It was not me who was so upset after being in the courtroom listening that I couldn't eat lunch.

It was not me who cried myself to sleep that night.

It was NOT ME who prayed today for my husband to win the Iron Chef chili cook off at the middle school. Why I would NEVER, NEVER pray for him to win over two other members of our church. Not me.

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